Alternative Income Development

Explore Alternative Income Streams as part of a sustainable model for ministry

Leveraging Resources

There is a growing national movement among “houses of worship” and congregations exploring different ways to optimize usage of facilities and land for sustainability as well as community service and impact. Many congregations are experiencing challenges with larger buildings, older facilities, aging membership, and the rising cost of utilities.

New models of “Stewarding” property and buildings are being developed. Creative partnerships are being formed with cities, municipalities and other non-profit or for profit stakeholders in a community.

The GNJ Foundation is working to communicate emerging models and potential partners so that congregations may leverage resources toward developing models to make a positive difference in their community as they create sustainable ministry.

There is a growing movement toward congregations developing alternative income streams as a means of outreach & community impact, AND to stabilize finances, better utilize facilities, and be good stewards.

There is a new wave of ministry maximization.