
Growing Generosity & Stewardship using emerging new models, best practices, and insights

Growing a culture of “Contagious Generosity” is crucial for a church or ministry organization to develop a sustainable ministry. Generosity may be expressed in many different ways. While it is not just about financial giving, this is a key part of living generously.

To cultivate a generous culture, there are four areas that need to be focused on: 

  • Inspire people through modeling generous leadership and celebrating generosity within the life of the congregation or ministry. 

  • Disciple people raising their faith and helping them grow as in faith. Find resources here for people to grow in the understanding of God’s generosity towards them, and how they can respond while living generous lives. 

  • Weave generosity into the life of the church year-round, in its plans, worship and ministry and make it a part of everything the church does. 

  • Engage people in generosity, with opportunities for people to grow in generosity and apply what they discover.